Woof! Come Blog With Me

If you'd like to blog here, but haven't received an invitation, you'll need to request permission from my person at snookyk@gmail.com . She's taking care of all of that for me; I'm too busy planning my posts to be distracted by the technicalities - and after all, isn't serving us their job?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Uh oh...

Uh oh...now I have done it. My people finally let me stay out when they left the house and I just could not resist and scratched the carpet on the landing again. Why oh why do I do it? I know I am not supposed to. I could tell the moment they walked in the door that they were VERY UPSET. I dutifully hung my head and tail in apology, but to no avail. I was banished to my kennel. I love my kennel, unless I am being sent there. I wonder when I can go upstairs again. I know they'll hate me forever. If I had only known they would not have been gone forever I would have found something less conspicuous to do. Heck, I should have nabbed one of the donuts off the counter, I bet they would not have even noticed that! Gotta go, I hear them coming.....


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