This is me (Spooky) and my sister (Tinker) and my old bald headed human. This is taken in the room at the store where I spend a lot of time.
I was very surprised when Tinky started a blog and even more surprised when she asked me to write in. I'm not an expert on anything, but maybe you'd like a little background on me as a way of introduction.
I come from the Wadena area. One Saturday morning, my mother's human hauled my littermates and me to a flea market, where she sold us. I've not seen any of my first family since. I guess now we're spread out all over, but that's pretty normal for us dogs and we can't really complain about it.
My mother named me Sheila after a great-great-great-great aunt who was an Australian Blue Heeler. Thank the Big Dog there is no resemblance as most of that is bred out of me. I consider myself a Pom, you understand, and never had much time for Blue Heelers. They're just a bunch of pests. Of course, nobody calls me Sheila. We live in a human world, and as you know, humans have no idea what our real names are.
Anyway, at the flea market, a woman from New York Mills bought me. Things were looking pretty good. She got me a little collar with little paw prints on it and gave me a name of some kind, but I don't remember it. I was only just weaned, you see, a little pup, and well, the whole thing didn't last long.
She got sick and had to have surgery. Her mate didn't like me and wouldn't take care of me. He wanted a hound, I suppose. I don't have any use for hounds, either. They're nothing but a bunch of lazy bums lying around the porch all day, waiting for the chow bucket. A human would be lucky if they retrieved one or two ducks a year.
A guy named Dennis agreed to keep me for a month while my human healed up. That was a pretty good gig. He had a pug named Kisha, and I liked bugging her. She got pretty jealous of her toys and stashed all of her stuff, so I generally made do with old socks and such. I'm not complaining. The chow was good, and he'd even toss out a hot dog now and then. Dennis was a German, and I think his socks were so ripe from all the sauerkraut he ate.
Well, when the month was up, the woman hadn't healed too well. She had complications and agreed to let me go if Dennis could find me a good home. He put me in a box and hauled me up to Greenbush. Doggies! That is the middle of nowhere!
He handed me over to an old bald-headed human who had a grocery store. Don't ask me how it happened but we bonded right off the bat, and I knew I was home. Every dog needs a human and though he wasn't much to look at, he was better that nothing and I was determined to train him.
This human had an old dog named Spike who was not one bit fond of me. I ran circles around him and had a ball teasing him, but he learned to ignore me and we got along fine. That evening I met Tinkie, my new sister, who was not one bit fond of me, either. My human's human was friendly but I was leery of her for a while. But everything worked out and we became a family.
The very next day began the daily routine of going to work at the grocery store, a half mile walk in the forenoon, and a half mile walk in the afternoon. We meet people, kids, and dogs. It's been a great life so far.
My human's human named me Spooky for some reason. I'm a Pom through and through and I don't think I'm scary, but what the heck? I have to answer to something.
Woof Dah.
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